Tag Archives: Out with Friends

Out with My Bestie!

Blurry pic, but you get the idea!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Good evening!

I know it is quite later than usual, but I just got home from a fun evening having out with my bestie, Dawn and her daughter, Sammy!!

We started the evening out over at one of our favorite hangouts, Starbuck’s. Dawn has asked me to teach her how to crochet, so this evening that was the plan! She is very determined to learn how to crochet a hat, like the one Jason had made for me. After doing a little crocheting and catching up, we had decided that maybe going to the movies would be a good idea! Well, Jason had gone out with his friend, Don, to go watch the new Sherlock Holmes movie this evening, and when I mentioned that to Dawn, and Sam, they had said they had wanted to see that. After thinking about it, I realized I did too, so I quickly texted Jason to make sure that he wouldn’t mind that us girls come and crash his movie. Jason is so laid back and easy going, of course he didn’t mind! So, off us girls went to go watch us a movie. It was a very good movie too! One that I am sure that Jason and I will be watching again!! Now, we didn’t sit with the guys, I mean come on, it was just me and the girls afterall, but we really had a good time!!! So, I left the theatre with Jason and Don, while Dawn and Sammy drove back to their place!!

After dropping Don off at his place, Jason and I finally made it home. Jay made me a little dinner – I was too busy visiting to realize that I had forgotten to eat dinner, and as I sit here I am just soooo thankful that it is Friday, and that we get to sleep in tomorrow! It has been such a loooooong week, and I am just bushed!!!

I don’t have any real plans for this weekend, except to get the house clean and finish getting ready for Christmas, but first I am going to head upstairs and get a good night’s sleep!

Have a FABULOUS evening! :-)

A Magical Evening!

Good evening!!

Tonight Jason and I, along with our friends Dawn and Errin went out to watch the new movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, in 3D. This movie, in my opinion, was the best movie of the entire Harry Potter franchise. Even though I have read the books quite a few times, so I pretty much knew how everything was going to end, I still found myself on the edge of my seat and talking to the movie screen as if somehow I could miraculously change the fates of the characters in the movie!

It is so strange to think that this book and movie series, that have been such a mainstream part of our lives for the past many years, is coming to a close. It is the end of an era. The Harry Potter series was the book series that got me excited about reading again, and not only reading, but reading and talking about what I have read with friends, and family. I heard this evening, a rumor really, that JK Rowling was talking about possibly doing another book series involving the next generation of characters. I think that it would be pretty cool to see more details about what happens next in the Harry Potter world, but I am not sure what kind of conflict could possibly arise, after everything that the characters have gone through with Voldemort – the really nasty, evil villain in the series – for those of you who have somehow managed to stay buried under a rock all this time and still do not know! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I think that it would be pretty cool to see more details about what happens next in the Harry Potter world, but I am not sure what kind of conflict could possibly arise, after everything that the characters have gone through with Voldemort – the really nasty, evil villain in the series – for those of you who have somehow managed to stay buried under a rock all this time and still do not know! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am not sure if there are going to be additional books or not, but I do know that her website Pottermore.com is up an taking registrations for a new kind of adventure with the Harry Potter series, I can’t wait to see what it is.

Talking about villains, didn’t you just LOVE Snape??? This movie made everything he did for Lilly Potter, hence also for Harry Potter so amazing! He made the ultimate sacrifice for all that he loved. I just love his character, having to play both sides of the coin without ever getting caught by the bad guys, and Alan Rickman, one of my favorite actors by the way, plays him just beautifully!!

Anyway, I am going to leave you with this preview of the last 2 movies which comproses of the last book split into two movies!


Have a FABULOUS evening! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Note to Chunky Dunkers: I will see you tomorrow evening!! ๐Ÿ˜‰