We are expecting record cold here in Oregon today, and possibly tomorrow – so I am bundling up to head to work this morning!!!
As I was laying in bed, trying to coax myself out of it’s deliciously warm blankets, I started thinking about recess when I was a little kid!! If recess was a profession, I would have be an expert in my field!!! I remember just being a ball of energy! I loved playing:
- jump rope
- hopscotch
- Chinese jump rope
- wall ball
- four square
- tether ball
- balance beam
- crawling tunnels
- parallel bars
- monkey bars
- swings
- H-O-R-S-E
- kick ball
- teeter-totter
- hula hooping
- big wheels
- climbing trees
- bicycles!!!
Man remembering all these just takes me back!!! Does that make me old?? 😉
At what point in your life do these activities leave your list of fun activities??? I am thinking that if I would have continued all or some of these activities, I would not have had the issue with my weight that I do now, and I would presume that the American culture, as a whole, would benefit from the health benefits that these activities provide!! Ok, so now that I am 35 years old, how weird would it seem to see me doing double dutch, or throwing my hopscotch marker, or playing a rowdy game of wall ball??? Who cares if it looks weird, I think I am going to give it a go! I wonder if the condo association would care if I used chalk to draw out my four square grid on the ground?? Having that would just leave me to go round up a friend or two who would be willing to come out and “play”!!!
As I dream about incorporating some recess activities into my regular day, I would LOVE to hear some of your FAVORITE recess activities as a kid! Do you still do any of them? If not, what made you stop?
Have a FABULOUS day!!! 😉