Tag Archives: Job

A Peek into My Work Day!

Good afternoon!

I thought that I would share a quick peek into my day with you! These pics are pics are from random moments in my work day!

A Peek In My DayMy day job is as a data programmer, so I sit at my computer for what feels like 68 hours every day!! πŸ™‚

A Peek In My Day 2Yep, this is a peek of what I do during my working hours! πŸ™‚

A Peek In My Day 1Another peek! Not very artsy/creative is it? That’s ok – this job has brought my sweetie and I SOOOO MANY blessings!! πŸ™‚

A Peek In My Day 2aHere is one of the main ways I stay sane while programming!! Music on my i-Pad ALLLL FREAKIN’ DAY!!! That is such a MUST for me!!! πŸ™‚

A Peek In My Day 3Round all that out with lunch with the girls (have I told you I have THE BEST girl friends!!!!), mixed with a bunch of giggling, and keeping it all in perspective, I can honestly say that life is very VERY good!!

Here is to another FABULOUSLY productive work day! πŸ™‚

Signature Line

If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!!

A Late Posting!

Good afternoon!

I know this is sooo untypically me, getting to my blog so late in the day!! I really do try and get at least SOMETHING written before I head out the door in the morning. Unfortunately this morning, I just couldn’t seem to manage it!! I have been working so hard at the office, and under such pressure, that I am now at the point where I dread going – I know, such a SELFISH attitude in an economy where there are literally thousands of people who would LOVE to have my job!! I am really just constantly stressing about it, and I seem to be doddling more and more to get out of bed and to get ready to go!

Do any of you ever experience the Sunday night blues? You know, when Sunday evening rolls around and you start thinking about how having to go to work the next morning and maybe feeling a little blue about it? Well, this happens to me by Saturday morning!! UGH! πŸ˜‰ I dream about the day that I can LOVE my work!! That it feeds my authentic self and I feel tired, but energized by spending all day doing it!!! I don’t know what that job looks like, but I know it is out there for me!! I am looking for you!

Anyway, even though it is rather later today… 

Have a FABULOUS day!! πŸ˜‰

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