Tag Archives: Feeling Good

Randomness Tuesday!

Me and My Sweetie

Good evening!

To say I am having a GREAT day is an understatement! There is not really one thing I can put my finger on that has made it a great day, but really a bunch of little things that have just really made me a happy girl!!

I had a good day at work today, pretty typical, but I am really feeling like I am holding my own on my team – FINALLY! I did get all beautified up to go to the office today, including putting on a dress and lashes, which always makes me feel more confident. I am not sure why I don’t take time to do that every morning!! Usually my morning consists of taking a shower, throwing on one of 5 basic outfits I wear almost every day (out of a whole PLETHORA OF CHOICES!!), and then off to work with a clean face and mostly wet hair!

My girlfriend Dawn has really inspired me to be brave and try new things with my look, like I said a couple of nights ago, but last evening she was saying that she has spent a ton of time watching tutorials online on how to do different makeup and hair techniques, so as soon as I got home I decided to see what I can find. MAN, I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!!! There is so much hints, tips, and advice out there! That was really fun! I am not sure what I am going to try yet tomorrow, but I know that I will at least try SOMETHING new, and I am sure that will be exciting!!

Another thing that is REALLY contributing to my level of happiness today is that my house is clean!

WHOO! HOO!!! 😉

I told Dawn that it was her fault, that if she wouldn’t have come over last night, it would never have gotten that way! I really need to invite my friends over MORE OFTEN!!! What an AMAZING feeling!!

My Sweet and Beautiful Faye!

My sweetie is also in a good mood. He is working again, and he is just soooooo much happier, which in turn, makes me soooooo much happier!! I just LOVE seeing him having a good time, feeling like he is helping his customers!!! Tonight, on his way home from work, he even brought home a yummy, but healthy Subway dinner with a light Jamba Juice for desert! WHAT A GOOD MAN I HAVE!!! Thank you, Love!!! 😉


My official plan this evening is that I am going to watch Pride and Prejudice. Jason and I went with Dawn and Errin earlier this week to go see the new Three Muskateers movie, and I feel in love with Matthew Macfayden again!! SO DREAMY!!! 😉 I must have a thing for men who are rough and tough, but really a romantic at heart – oh, and the British accent doesn’t hurt either!! 😉 So I am going to get my fill of him in this movie this evening!! LOL! 😉

I did warn you that this was a random kind of posting, and sure enough it was!!! Until tomorrow…

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

NOTE: See you at Chunky Dunkers tomorrow evening! I will have posted by 7-ish!!! (Pacific time!!!) GO CHUNKY DUNKERS!!! 😉

Takin’ M’Bad Self Out!

Good morning!

I woke up this morning feeling energized and ready to go, so I have gotten myself all ROXIED out, and I am going to take myself out for some me time!! 😉 I am not sure exactly where I am going just yet, but I do know that I am heading downtown! It is kind of nice, because I am such an easy date – I ALWAYS know what I want, and because of that I am easy to please!!! LOL!! Does that make me a floozy??? 😉

Anyway, I don’t really have any definite plans for any part of my weekend, except for at some point I am going to have to focus and get my house chores done!! I am also feeling froggy and would like to get some cooking done this weekend as well!!!

Today, as I am out, I am going to take a ton of pics, and post some of them here – kind of like “A Day in the Life”, just to share. If I would have had some time to think about it, I would have seen if I could have called on some of my girlfriends and maybe we could have gone out together – oh well! Maybe next time!!

Have a FABULOUS day!!! 😉