Tag Archives: Blog Every Day for a Year


Good evening!

Tonight is my 365th post in a row!! YEAH!!!! I had set a goal for myself that I would blog every day for one year, and I am very happy to announce that I HAVE MET THIS GOAL!!! πŸ˜‰

You know, I have learned a lot about myself and of life while blogging this past year, and I thought I would share some of those things that I have learned with you!

  1. If you don’t live your life, you don’t have a life!
  2. Experiences are waaaay more important than material things!
  3. It is ok to ask for help!
  4. Even when you think you are all alone, there is someone out there who is willing to lend you some encouragement!
  5. Even the scariest goals can be accomplished if you are determined enough to make the needed sacrifices!
  6. Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you want to do something you should, just doing it feels great!
  7. There is a whole world of people, ideas, and places right outside the door of my little world!
  8. I only know what I know, and I still have a LOT left to learn!
  9. There is a whole community of creative people who are willing to cheer you on!
  10. No matter what you are going through, there is always someone who is going through the same thing themselves!
  11. Kindness and sincerity is always a fan pleaser!
  12. Taking a leap of faith may be scary, but landing further than you expected is always worth it!
  13. You can always do one more thing!
  14. Taking time to do nothing is medicine for the soul!
  15. So is laughter!
  16. You attract to you what you send out!
  17. Even after 17 years my sweetie can still dazzle me!
  18. It is ok to pick and choose your family!
  19. You can’t please everyone at all times!
  20. Learning to say no is so difficult, but once you say it once, it becomes a lifesaver!
  21. Children grow so quickly, but are great at keeping you feeling young!
  22. There isn’t such a thing as being too sparkly!
  23. Sexy doesn’t just come in one size!
  24. You are never too old to begin again!
  25. You really only do get one life!
  26. Just because the corporation owns your job doesn’t mean you don’t still own your career!
  27. It is therapeutic to often let your inner child out to play!
  28. It is ok to have a bad day every once in a while, you are human after all!
  29. People are more precious than gold!
  30. It is ok to listen to my intuition, she knows what she is talking about!!

I hope you have enjoyed following my blog for the past year!! By no means do I plan on stopping now, but I may not be quite so hard on myself if I don’t blog EVERY SINGLE DAY!! I will continue to share my stories with you to hopefully provide encouragement to someone to try something new, or to let someone else know that they are not alone, or to even just share something inspiring!!Β  Thank you so much to those of you who stop by every day to see what is going on, those who comments and offer words of encouragement! I hope that I have given to you even a small slice of what you have given to me, I appreciate you!! πŸ˜‰

In the next coming weeks I have some ideas to give my blog a fresh new take that I have been toying with, and I hope that as I start to implement some of these ideas that you will continue to give me your honest feedback, and encouragement! I always look forward to hearing from you! πŸ™‚ I am so very excited to see what this next year brings!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! :-)

A Lazy Sunday Evening!

Good evening!

I have so much that my sweetie and I have to get done before we can leave for our Christmas break this week, and in all honesty I just don’t wanna do any of it!! How sad is that??? We leave for Christmas break on Thursday afternoon, straight from picking me up from the office. I really can’t wait, which is why I think I am not motivated to any of the things I know I ought to be doing, but that is because I just want to get out of here and see my peeps!!! πŸ˜‰

OH, I have just discovered that I have gotten my first pen-pal letter in the mail the other day!!! I was so excited when my sweetie handed it to me and said, “Oopsie, I may have forgotten to give you something important.” So, dear pen-pal, you know who you are, I will be getting my letter out to you ASAP!! πŸ˜‰

What else? Well, my sweetie has two venous stasis ulcers on his leg (I think that is how you spell that). He has been dealing with them for quite a few months, and even though the are doing better then they were, Jason just showed me the bigger of the two and all I can say is “EW!!” I am not sure why he insists on showing me all of his boo-boos and injuries; I am sure it has to be some kind of a guy thing!!! πŸ˜‰

Changing the subject, but some of you know that I am currently working on a goal to blog every single day for 365 days straight, and I am very happy to announce that I am only 2 DAYS away from meeting that goal!! YEAH!!! Blogging has been such a fun and rewarding experience for me. I have met so many new and interesting people, and I have been introduced, slowly and surely to a whole community of creative people in the blog world!! I feel like I have grown as an individual and blogging has helped me see my life from a different perspective; giving me the ability to see what has not been working, and continue to do what has been working!!

So there you have it!! πŸ˜‰

I am ready to get this week started, I am so excited to see my family!! I am staying at my sister, Jennifer’s place,Β  but then all of us sisters are going to go slumber party-style-itΒ  at our other sister, Alice’s house for Christmas even so Santa only has to stop at one place, and we can all open stockings and have a fun Christmas day at one place!! πŸ™‚ Doesn’t that sound fun!! Yes, it will be a blast!! I will make sure to take a ton of pics, and share with you!!! πŸ˜‰

In the meantime, I am going to spend some time with my sweetie, now that he has officially stopped working for the evening!! πŸ™‚

Have a FABULOUS evening! :-)