Tag Archives: Audrey Hepburn

What a Difference Some Help Makes!

Crown HeaderGood morning!

Do you know how hard it is for someone like me to ask for help????

I am not sure where I got the crazy notion that if I don’t do something completely, like as in 100% on my own, I somehow can not take any pride or credit for a job well done! Where the heck do crazy ideas like that come from anyway!!???

I went to Brave Girls Symposium this year, and I learned SOOOOOOO MUCH!! but one of the things that I learned that I am really striving to take action on is that you do not have to go through this journey, called life, on your own. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have an INCREDIBLE husband who stands by my side through thick and thin, and I have family members who I would take a bullet for – no questions asked, but to ask for help in any other area in my life??? Forget about it!

  • If I am having trouble with my fitness goals – “figure it out!”
  • If am having trouble staying on task with my nutritional goals – “suck it up, buttercup!”
  • If I am struggling carrying all of our personal finances by myself – “you had better work harder!”
  • If my house looks like it could be on the next episode of hoarders – “sorry, you made this mess”
  • If I want to take my business to the world but have no idea where to start –  “Others have magically done it on their own, why can’t you?”
  • If I feel that my mental health is suffering – “If you say anything they will just confirm you are crazy!”


You, my friend, myself included, are not an island!!

We are a tribe!!!

You need me, I need you!

No one was ever meant to walk through this journey, we call life, alone. That is why the Universe created others all around us! So we can support each other, cheer each other on, and lift each other up, whenever, wherever, and however often we need it! This is what makes the human race so INSANELY AWESOME!!! 

Audrey Hepburn once said,

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

I have always been a big fan of Audrey Hepburn, but it is only now, at 40 years old, that I realize how important, and RIGHT ON this message is!!

In the past month, I have reached out to an AMAZING woman to seek out her help as a life coach, I have started seeing an extremely KIND and GENTLE man to help me with my anxiety, and I have recently reconnected with someone from my past, someone who has always been a second mama to me a real, in-the-flesh, WALKING ANGEL!!! I can honestly tell you, in just one month’s time, because I was willing to reach out for help, as well as put myself out there to help others I have an overwhelming sense of joy, hope for the future, and really just a sense of quiet peace!! Anyone who intimately knows me, knows that that is INCREDIBLE!!! 😉

I challenge you to ask for help. What do you need today? If you can’t find someone to help you, reach out and help someone else! I guarantee that goodness will come back to you!

Here is to living a BEAUTIFUL CREATIVE life! 🙂

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If you want to have a different life, live differently! 

Having a Contingency for Dealing with the “Mean Reds”!

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany'sGood afternoon!

Have any of you every seen the Audrey Hepburn movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s? It has always been one of my favorites!! There is a scene where Holly Golightly, Miss. Audrey Hepburn’s character, is talking about having the “mean reds”:

“You know those days when you’ve got the mean reds…. the blues are because you’re getting fat or maybe it’s been raining too long. You’re sad, that’s all. But the mean reds are horrible. You’re afraid and you sweat like hell, but you don’t know what you’re afraid of. Except something bad is going to happen, only you don’t know what it is.”
– Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Well, here is something you may not know about me…I have a tendency to have to work around the mean reds all the time! SO, to make sure that the mean reds do not rule my life, I make sure to always have a contingency plan of sorts in place! This is my list of 10 things I turn to whenever I find the mean reds starting to strike!

  1. Get up and move! Dance, go for a walk, twirl (yes, I said twirl!), do something to get the blood pumping for at least 5 – 10 minutes!
  2. Put on some “happy” music! For me that could be some really cool jazz, or soulful blue grass, or some music from my childhood, which for me would either be twangy country (garage sale-ing with my grandma – my FAVE!!!), or it could be some acapella Christian music (I was a pastors daughter don’tcha know?), I have even been known to rock out to some Disney tunes – I know, absolutely shocking right??? That is ok, I am currently in a 12-step program to deal with my “addiction”!! Hee! Hee! 🙂
  3. Write it out baby!!! That is right, I always try to have a journal handy! No matter what is going on, I can always go find a quiet corner and just right out whatever it is that is going on at the moment, and somehow in doing that it alleviates whatever negative feeling is going on at the moment! I also love that you can go back later and see what seemed so terribly important at the moment; looking back on it,there are times when it kind of seems comical now.
  4. Talking about writing, my new obsession is doodling!! I am doing that all the time, everywhere!! Staff meetings, waiting for my sweetie to get home, while watching the tele, while on vacation…EVERYWHERE!!!
  5. Create some art! What I am talking about is beyond doodling. It is taking the time to get out the paints, and the papers, and the pens & inks, and just taking some time to create something that you will actually get to hang on your wall and see every day! Yeah – I LOVE THAT!!! 😉
  6. Take a luxurious shower. This is not your average rushing-around-first-thing-in-the-morning-so-you’re-not-late shower, this is the OMG-I-have-a-full-30-minutes-to-just-luxuriate-in-the-my-shower-just-me-my-thoughts-and-my-loofa! Those moments don’t happen too often in my life, but I really should make more time for this – it is such a little thing!!! 🙂
  7. Fall into a good book. Scratch that, I mean fall into a REALLY GOOD book!!! This is one of my main go-tos!! and I don’t mean reading some boring, dry non-fiction, something or other that you have to read for this thing or that. The book that you choose for trying to combat the mean reds should be a scrumdiddlyumptious fiction, something that if you read too many of might rot your brain!!
  8. Call up a good friend!! This would be the best time to call up your BFF – you know who that is!! Be brave, step out! She might just love to meet you for coffee, or a relaxing stroll through downtown – or heck, she might even be dealing with the mean reds herself and could use some BFF time too!!
  9. Meditate. This is something that I have only added to my mean reds arsenal within the last year, but just by getting silent, breathing deeply, and just concentrating on what is happening inside of myself & my truth, even if for only 10 minutes, has been a game changer for me!
  10. Do something nice for someone else. It could be anything, big or small. Just the act of doing something for someone else takes you out of your own head and helps you focus on someone other than you! You may see that you don’t really have it as bad as you had originally made it out to be.

I know that, at least for me, and maybe you too, the mean reds will always have a chance to rear it’s ugly little head in my life, but with a contingency plan, I know that no matter what form the mean reds take for me, I know I will make it through! I hope this list has possibly given you some ideas on how to deal with your mean reds too!! 🙂

Here is to a HAPPY & Mean Reds Free day!! 🙂

Signature Line

If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!!

Needing Some Inspiration!

I have had a long day and am finding that I am having a hard time relaxing for the night, so I thought I would just post some pics that are inspiring me right now.


Always chic!

If only we could all take this advice.

Whoever invented this is a creative genius.

I have always loved this rug!

Even asleep, Audrey Hepburn was always so chic!


I would love to remodel an airstream!

You’ve always had the power inside of you!

Isn’t this just darling?

How cute are these?

I couldn’t imagine anything bad happening in these shoes!

I love this bedroom, and on that note…

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉