Tag Archives: All About Me

This is Soooo Me!!!

If there could ever be a commercial to see who I really am, even as an adult – this would be it!!! My husband pointed this FABULOUS commercial out to me. What do you think?? He said it is how he imagined I must’ve been as a child – what are you talking about??? this is how I am even NOW!!! πŸ˜‰ I love you, Big’Spoon!!! πŸ˜‰

10 Things About Me!

  1. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you? – I have a FABULOUS support system of friends and family who love me, and support me unconditionally
  2. What is your biggest regret in life? – I regret that I have missed a lot of opportunities by not always completing projects that I begin
  3. What career do you plan to pursue? – β€œWhen I grow up…” I want to have a career that utilizes my passion for all things creative and beautiful, but I am not sure what that is going to look like just yet!
  4. What 5 adjectives would you choose to describe yourself ? – creative, intuitive, passionate, friendly, and sensitive
  5. If you had one day left in this world, how would you spend it? – I would gather all of my family and friends, and we would spend my last day together!!
  6. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? – I would travel to France, I love the idea of the French lifestyle; of beauty, simplicity, family, and a quality life.
  7. What is your biggest pet peeve? – people who carelessly disrespect others
  8. What is your favorite past time? – delving into a great book while sitting at a green park on a cool sunny day – PERFECT!!!
  9. What is the first thing you notice about people? – how people are styled from head to toe. I am always looking to others for fashion inspiration!!
  10. If you could live one day of your life in a movie, what movie would you choose and why? – I would choose to live in the movie Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood; family, friends, sweet tea, and self-made crowns – what more could a girl want??? πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!!!

~ Christina πŸ˜‰