I have to apologize, I have been so busy that it was taking me forever to get back in touch – and then pretty soon, I just kept making every excuse not to because I knew I had been doing so badly with the plan, and my lack of exercise!!! UGH!!!
Well, I am back and ready to get going!!! Last week I had a trip to Wisconsin, which went well. I had to get some more computer training, and the class I took there was a lot of fun!
Also, I am the oldest of 5 girls, and my youngest sister, who is 18 now (she is 15 years younger than me) is working out at a camp which is right outside of Portland, so my husband has been picking her up on the weekends so she can stay with us! She is always soooo much fun to have around!!!
Today is weigh in day, and to be honest with you, I am scared!!! I have been doing so poorly – it has been kinda like I haven’t been caring, so I have been eating whatever I want, whenever I want, and not really moving too much – which combines to make a recipe for disaster!!! I have got to get this weight off!! Why is this such a struggle??? Grrrrrr! Anyway, it is what it is – so I am back on plan as of this morning!!! I am going to just take it one day at a time!!! 🙂
Give me a minute and I will go weigh and measure…
Ok, so I have gained .8 pounds, pretty good considering the week I’ve had!!! I have gained inches everywhere this week, I am hoping it is just water weight!!! but oh, well! Who am I am I kidding??? At least I now know where I stand and what I need to do to get back on track!!!
On a different subject, tonight is the release of the new Harry Potter movie! I just love the Harry Potter world!! So, I will be getting off work early tonight so that my husband and I can go to that this evening – that should be fun!!!
Also, a couple of other things that I am REALLY, REALLY, REALLY trying to get focused on is getting my finances in order, and downsizing my personal belongings!!! I find that the more money I make over the years the more crap I acquire! Not too good when you have to focus on yours physical well-being and all you can see is the pockets, and piles, and mounds of stuff you’ve gotten everywhere, and you are broke at the end of every paycheck!!! UGH!!! I make more money now than I ever have in my life and I really have nothing to show for it!!! I have got to get it together!!! I am going to meet with one of my girlfriends on Saturday morning so that we can both be a one-on-one financial support to one another!!! Wish us luck! I will keep you posted!!! 😉
Anyway, I just had to get back in touch with lovely ladies!!! I hope all of you are doing well, I’ve noticed that communication amongst us has gone down – please don’t give up on our group – WE REALLY CAN DO IT!!!!
-Christina 😉