Category Archives: Exercise

Chunky Dunkers!

Good evening!

I know I am running behind this evening! I had an appointment at with Lauren, my lovely hairdresser this evening! So, yes, I have gotten a haircut! I am not sure if I like it yet or not – I will know after I wash it and let it go curly!! However, I am REALLY LOVING my bangs!! I am a girl that REALLY NEEDS HER BANGS!!! πŸ™‚

Anyway, tonight is Chunky Dunker night, an online fitness/weight loss support group. We are always happy to have visitors so please feel free to stop by the comments section and let us know how you are doing with you weight loss/fitness goals, and please feel free to share any hints/tips/ideas that you have found helpful in getting closer to your goals!! The more the merrier!!

After a few weeks of not doing so hot on my own personal fitness goals, this week I have done much better. I have been eating more fruits, veggies, and whole grained foods – a special thank you to my sweetie who has been doing a TERRIFIC job packing my food for work every day again!! THANK YOU!!Β  πŸ˜‰

Also, now that I am not having any more foot pain, I have even started walking again, and as winded as I am now getting when I start to walk, I REALLY NEED IT!! I am starting to dream of the day that I can ride my bike through the street, while all of the Fall leaves are starting to change their colors!! MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR! πŸ˜‰

Since I am so late this evening, I usually post at 7pm-ish, so without further ado! I will see you in the comments section! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

Chunky Dunkers!

Good evening!

Welcome to the Chunky Dunker’s Club! Chunky Dunker’s is an online get-fit/healthy support group that meets every Wednesday around 7PM Pacific Standard Time. The purpose of this group is to support and cheer each other on as we work our way towards our get fit and healthy goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, run a mile, or to cut caffiene from our diets – whatever your health and fitness goals are for you – we are here to support you. Every week I post a little something to help motivate you, or cheer you on, and we all get together in the comments section to chat.

This is not a closed group, so if you would like to join us, please feel free to do so, the more the merrier.

Anyway, this week’s topic is: Is there a correlation between clutter and weight?

I have been hearing a lot about how clutter may be directly related to your weight.

Hmmm…that could explain a lot!! LOL!

There is a message that says that there is a direct correlation between how much clutter you have in your life and how out of shape you are. I am a firm believer that your external is a true representation of your internal, so maybe that makes some sense. I think that if this is true, it is because without having to deal with a cluttery house/life you have more time/attention to plan and prepare your meals, you have more time to exercise. More order in our living environment makes us calmer inside our minds.

Could all of theΒ  stuffΒ  be like a protective security blanket in the same way that excess weight provides protection? It is enough to make a girl want to go take another load of miscellaneous stuff over to my local Goodwill! πŸ˜‰

What are your thoughts on clutter and weight? I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

A Night of Vision Boarding!

Good evening!

I have spent the past hour gathering pics from Polyvore to create an electronic Vision Board!!

The things that I am dreaming of is a passionate marriage, traveling, yoga, dancing, France, faith, family, friends, farm-living, photography, books, and a crystal chandelier for good measure!!

Anyway, I am getting back to journaling and time/goal management, which I realize are two different things, but I have found that since having not being consistent with these 2 things I have not been as happy as I normally am – not that I am sad, just not as happily as I could be! Nor am I getting as much done as I usually do! So, tomorrow morning, I am back to spending some time writing my morning pages, and I will have my to-do list written before I head to bed this evening!

Matter of fact, here it is:

  • At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water
  • Take iron pill
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Eat a healthy lunch
  • Eat a healthy home-cooked dinner
  • Write morning pages
  • Morning skin care routine
  • Recycle at least 10 magazines
  • Do a load of dishes
  • 1/2 hour art studio clean
  • Put laundry away
  • Sweep floors
  • Spend at least 10 minutes meditating
  • Get in bed by9 pm

Ok, I think that list is long enough! πŸ˜‰

Oh, I wanted to share some micro goals that I have come up with:

  1. Lose 7.6 pounds
  2. Finish cleaning art studio
  3. Make sure all books in this house have a place to “live”

These are small enough that they will get me closer to a few of my big goals, and they are small enough as to not be overwhelming! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

PS. I will “see” you Chunky Dunkers tomorrow evening, at about 7-ish!! πŸ˜‰

Chunky Dunkers!

Good evening!

Welcome back to the Chunky Dunker’s Club! We have been MIA for the past two weeks because of traveling, but I am happy to report that I am back!! Chunky Dunker’s is an online get-fit/healthy support group that meets every Wednesday around 7PM Pacific Standard Time. The purpose of this group is to support and cheer each other on as we work our way towards our get fit and healthy goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, run a mile, or to cut caffiene from our diets – whatever your health and fitness goals are for you – we are here to support you. Every week I post a little something to help motivate you, or cheer you on, and we all get together in the comments section to chat.

This is not a closed group, so if you would like to join us, please feel free to do so, the more the merrier.

Anyway, this week’s topic is: Knowing When to Stop Lying to Yourself

I have a very dear girlfriend who is a psych professor, and one of the things that she always says to me is that you always become what you need. So tonight’s topic is something that I need. I have been lying to myself thinking that I have been doing all of these healthy things, when in reality I have really been ignoring my health needs almost disgustingly. I haven’t exercised in weeks, I eat whatever I want whenever I want, and my sleeping habits have been really varied. All of this is leaving me fat,Β  feeling tired, achy, run down, and really not like myself at the moment.

So, now I have really got to stop lying to myself! I need to get my booty off of the couch and get out there and stop kidding myself. The choices I make today, are the results I am going to get tomorrow!!

I think it was Benjamin Franklin who said,

“If you don’t take the time to take care of your health now, you will have no choice but to take care of your sickness late.”

That is something I have been giving some serious thought to, so I am recommitting to doing little-by-little every day to get myself healthier!! I am worth it, my sweetie is worth it, and the rest of my family is worth it!

Here is to the future, AND TO THE HERE AND NOW!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

Chunky Dunker’s!

Good evening!

Welcome to another lovely evening of Chunky Dunker’s!

Chunky Dunkers is a weekly weight loss/get fit support group that meet here online every Wednesday evening to get the opportunity to comment, and cheer each other as you each go through your journey to get fit and healthy!!! We will discuss hints, tips, and ideas on losing weight, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, to do 10 sit-ups, or just incorporate some healthy habits into your daily life!!

As always, everyone and anyone is welcome to join us, so please feel free to chime in on our conversation in the comment section above, or you are welcome to quietly follow along, whichever you prefer. I look forward to hearing about all of your successes!

This week, I thought I would share 10 swaps that will help make you get fit goals a little bit easier…

  1. Swap out your daily snack with a piece of your favorite fruit.Β  Save calories and guilt.
  2. Swap one of your daily side dishes for a veggie. Every little but helps.
  3. Swap your high carb breakfast with eggs. The protein with stick with you longer helping you feel full longer.
  4. Swap out pretzels and chips for some unsalted nuts. These are chock full of good-for-you-fats.
  5. Swap one meal each day with a huge salad, loaded with colorful veggies, lean protein, a handful of nuts and maybe some beans.
  6. Swap solid fats like butter or shortening, with olive or canola oil. Your heart will thank you for it!
  7. Swap red meat for more lean cuts of meat like chicken/turkey breast, and fish.
  8. Stop drinking your calories. Water is your friend.
  9. When you first wake up in the morning, spend at least 5 minutes doing some gentle stretches to wake up your body.
  10. Spend at least 1/2 an hour outside EVERY day. Fresh air, sunshine, and exercise will all help you feel more relaxed, and it will help you use up any extra calories you might be holding onto.

I hope that these 10 ideas help you, I know that I don’t always stick to these, but I think I will make a concerted effort to follow all 10 of these for the next 7 days. I will let you know how it goes!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ™‚

Sunday Scribbling!

suggests the topic ‘Forward’.
What is life, but looking forward?
The past is past, what’s done is done.
All that’s left is upward, onward.
Where will you go?
Who will you be?
What will you do?
What will you see?
Life is fleeting,
Time proceeding,
Looking back will not reward
The only progress is forward.
Have a FABULOUS evening!

Chunky Dunker’s Night!

Good evening!

Chunky Dunkers is a weekly weight loss/get fit support group that meet here online every Wednesday evening to get the opportunity to comment, and cheer each other as you each go through your journey to get fit and healthy!!! We will discuss hints, tips, and ideas on losing weight, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, to do 10 sit-ups, or just incorporate some healthy habits into your daily life!!

As always, everyone and anyone is welcome to join us, or you may feel free to just quietly follow along. I look forward to hearing about all of your successes!

This week I have had my proverbial ear to the railroad tracks all week looking for some creative hints, tips and ideas to help us in our weight loss/get fit journey this week, and I think I found 4 really JUICY ones, that I just couldn’t WAIT to share with you tonight!!!

  1. When you get to your first 5 pound loss, or even 10 pound for that matter, and you feel like you still have SOOOOO MUCH to lose, go purchase a 5 or a 10 pound bag of potatoes and carry them around in a backpack all day. You will realize, soon enough, what great progress you are making!! Those 5 pound increments really add up!!
  2. Too embarrased to work out in front of anyone else, or more like my current complaint “It’s too hot!” Try jogging in place! That counts toward burning those calories too! and if that is too much try marching in place, or just stand instead of sit to watch the tele!!
  3. I stumbled across someone’s idea of charting a destination on a map, and seeing if you could “walk” to that location in a certain time-frame. For example could I walk to, say..Portland, Oregon (45 miles) in a month, and start tracking your progress on a map. Once you get to your first destination, choose the next, and so forth. How long do you think it would take to walk across the US??
  4. and finally, my Sweetie did this tonight at dinner, take a chicken breast and slice it in half horizontally, so it looks like you are eating two small chicken breast instead of one cut in half ! TOTALLY FOOLED ME!! That man is a genius!!! πŸ˜‰

Do you have any ideas you would like to share?? Please do so in the comment section above.

Now, before I join you in the comments section for our weekly get-together, I wanted to make sure that I share my 5 Gratitudes with you for the day!

  1. I am thankful to have a husband who is happy in his new job – that is so REFRESHING to come home to!! πŸ˜‰
  2. I am thankful for Kelly Rae Robert’s online class, “Flying Lessons” – it is re-awakening my sense of hope!
  3. I am still so thankful for my girlfriends at work!! Seriously, they can make ANYTHING fun!!
  4. I am thankful for my daddy! I have been thinking about him a lot lately, and I have to confess just the thought of him makes me smile with giddyness!! I love you, Daddy!! πŸ˜‰
  5. I am thankful that God is helping me find work/life balance! Life is waaaayΒ  more fun when you aren’t swimming in the mire of trying to please the whole-wide-world!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!! ;-)

Chunky Dunker’s Night!

Good evening!

Chunky Dunkers is a weekly weight loss/get fit support group that meet here online every Wednesday evening to get the opportunity to comment, and cheer each other as you each go through your journey to get fit and healthy!!! We will discuss hints, tips, and ideas on losing weight, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, to do 10 sit-ups, or just incorporate some healthy habits into your daily life!!

As always, everyone and anyone is welcome to join us, or you may feel free to just quietly follow along. I look forward to hearing about all of your successes!

Let me give you a quick progress of my week! I have lost the pound and a half that I had put on last week – YEAH!! It is amazing how that small number seems to make such a big difference in how I feel about what I am doing. Besides walking, and one night of swimming, I really haven’t done much of my regualr exercise routines! I skipped belly dancing and Zumba so far this week. I have been nursing some knee pain, and then twisted my ankle so am working through that! Jason has been doing a great job at cooking some really delicious and healthy food! It has made our week of healthy eating much easier!!

Anyway, the topic for conversation this evening:

What 5 things would you do if you knew that you could not fail???

Give that some thought, I can’t wait to hear from you in the comments section above!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰

Swim Night with the Kiddies!

Good evening!

Tonight Jason and I had some very special visitors this evening. Nette, Megan, and Morgan came over to join Jason and I swimming this evening. We used to have swimming nights once a week, and we got out of that habit quite a few months ago, and it was nice to swim with them again!

We started out by having grilled hot-dogs together with baked beans, and Jason even got the kids puffed Cheetos – how fun!! We impatiently waited the recommended half hour before we went to the pool, and I was sure that Morgan was just going to bust a gut having to be patient to get there!! πŸ˜‰

When we did finally get there, the pool was insanely-cold, so that part wasn’t too much fun, but it was fun playing with the kiddos, and hanging out in the not-too-hot-for-once hot-tub was pretty lovely. Jason and Morgan had fun making each other fall into the freezing cold water, that while I was enjoying the hot tub, all I could hear was Jason and Morgan both squealing with laughter!! πŸ˜‰ Which is quite a happy noise to listen too!!

The kids were very excited that when we got done swimming they were going to get an ice cream sandwich. Morgan was impressed that his ice cream sandwich had THREE flavors in it – it was a Neapolitan!!! πŸ˜‰ He just kept saying, “Look! It has more than one kind in it!” Too cute!!! πŸ˜‰

As you can see, Morgan was almost completely done in by the time they were getting ready to go home, but then again, I think we all were!! All-in-all, we really did have a great visit! I am not sure when we will get the opportunity again, but I sure do hope it is soon!! I really love these kiddos (Nette included!)!!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰

NOTE TO CHUNKY DUNKERS: Don’t forget, we are on for tomorrow evening around 7 – I will see you here!!! πŸ˜‰

Chunky Dunker Night!

Good evening!

I am the type of person that has always been on the lookout for signs. I am a firm believer that there are signs all over the place telling you what direction to go next, you just have to know how to spot them. Well, today, I have been noticing signs all over the place about not giving up on your goals. I really needed to hear that today! Today I recommit myself to focusing on my top 4 goals, one of which is getting fit and healthy, which is why I bring this up tonight – on Chunky Dunker night!

Chunky Dunker, for those of you who may not know is a weekly weight loss/get fit support group that meet here online every Wednesday evening to get the opportunity to comment, and cheer each other as you each go through your journey to get fit and healthy!!! We will discuss hints, tips, and ideas on losing weight, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals, whether that is to lose 5 pounds, to do 10 sit-ups, or just incorporate some healthy habits into your daily life!!

As always, everyone and anyone is welcome to join us, or you may feel free to just quietly follow along. I look forward to hearing about all of your successes!

As for my week, I have done alright – not as good as I did last week, but I have been nursing a slight knee injury that seems to have knocked me for a little bit of a loop. Not to worry, I am going to get back into the swing of things by hitting the pool a couple of more times this week, especially since the thermostat is rising, and ANY way to keep cool, is good enough reason for me!! I haven’t actually lost any more weight, but I am dropping inches; and besides occasionally burning my candle at both ends, so to speak, I am feeling pretty peppy!! πŸ˜‰

Well, that is enough about me this evening! I can’t wait to hear how all of you are doing! I will meet you in the comments section!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰