A New Toy!

Good evening!

It is really late as I write this post this evening! My sweetie encouraged me to do something insanely out of character today, and I have to tell you I AM SOOOO EXCITED about it!!! I bought a Mac Book Pro!!! YES!! ME!!! A self-professed PC girl!!! My sweetie, after many years of pestering, he has finally convinced me that getting a Mac would be an investment in my creative future! Don’t you just love that???? I do!!

It has literally taken me something like 8 hours to figure out how to get this far, but so far so good!!

Well, that is all I have to say tonight! I have so much to learn, and I know GREAT things will be being produced and shared from my neck of the woods!! I will keep you posted on my progress!

Here is to a FABULOUS evening 🙂





If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!!