I Finished It!

Good evening!
I am very happy to report that I have FINALLY gotten my sweetie’s blanket finished!! YEAH!! It took me about a month and a half, and 12 skeins of yarn to get this finished!!

This is the first blanket I have ever made that had some semblence of a pattern for! All of my other blankets have been just me, pretending like no one will notice that my edges are exactly straight – ok, so they acually bore no resemblence to straightness, but it was all about getting the practice!! Crocheting is something that really relaxes me, and I would LOVE to be good at it someday!!

As for now, I am VERY HAPPY that my sweetie loves his blanket, and has been toting it around the house as if he were Linus, and he is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it!!! How cute!! πŸ˜‰

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

0 thoughts on “I Finished It!

    1. Christina Post author

      Thank you, Janet!! Knitting has always been too attention-needing for my poor ADD brain!! That is why I like crocheting – you can pretty much just check out and just let it happen without having to pay too much attention!! πŸ˜‰

  1. Dad B

    Lehua, you’re just like your mother…you put a lot of holes in the blanket so the cold air can get in. Sheesh!!! Other than that, it looks mawvelous!!!
    Aloha nui loa, Dad

    1. Christina Post author

      Dad, I knew you were going to say something like that – I remember you always saying that about mom’s blankets!!! LOL!!! I love you, Dad, and THANKS!!!! πŸ˜‰