
Good evening!

Tonight my sweetie and I spent a lovely evening with two of our best friends this evening! Erin made us a lovely dinner, and I had fun hanging out with Dawn and Sammy, while Errin and Jason put together Dawn’s eliptical machine – oh, BTW 0 so jealous!! Anyway, Sammy is quite the talented musician and her mama just never ceases to make me laugh!! 😉

Dawn is going through a kick right now where she is watching the movie Burlesque quite often, so I decided that I would sit and watch it with her tonight. I see what the appeal to her is. It is uplifting, visually stunning, it has great music, costumes, and dancing, and the lead woman goes from having nothing to having had created the life that she had only dreamed of!! What more could a girl want – right?

This movie is about a small-town girl (Christina Aguilera), down on her luck, who ventures to Los Angeles  and finds her place in a neo-burlesque club run by a former dancer (Cher).

Anyway, I thought I would share some pictures from this fun movie this evening!  I loved every single one of the sets, and I could decorate every room in my house off of the inspiration I got from this movie! I LOVED it!!


Christina Aguilera is absolutely beautiful, and she can sing for days!! Cher is stunning, and she has still got it!! Cam Gigandet is all hunky as all can get out – Grrrrrr!!! LOL! 😉

Anyway, I am keeping tonight’s post short as I have some last minute packing tonight before we head out tomorrow morning for our camping trip!! I really can’t wait!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!

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