Sunday Evening Post!

Good evening!

Before I get started I would love to hear what you think of my latest piece. It was good practice, and I can see what potential it has. I am very glad of that because I watched a video of an artist stating that it usually takes an artist a year or so to get good at their chosen craft. Which I am understanding because I am still in the really early stages of my art, and I am still trying to find my voice, and my style. I want what I create to be a representation of me, and I can admit I am not there yet.

So on to my update of today!

I have spent the majority of my day in my art studio creating as many soul collage cards as I could find photos for! I now have cards for:

  1. The Diva
  2. The Helper
  3. The Desirer
  4. The Carefree
  5. The Wisdom
  6. The Introvert
  7. The Creator
  8. The Sensualist
  9. The Vanity
  10. The Socialite
  11. The Materialist
  12. The Mother
  13. The Traveler
  14. The Child
  15. The Procrastinator
  16. The Growth
  17. The Naturalist
  18. The Wordsmith
  19. The Diseased
  20. The Lover
  21. The Loyalist
  22. The Family
  23. The Dreamer
  24. The Spiritualist
  25. The Eccentric
  26. The Lost but not Alone
  27. The Farmer
  28. The Actress
  29. The Entertainer
  30. The Protector
  31. The Homemaker
  32. The Relaxer
  33. The Player
  34. The Romantic
  35. The Observer
  36. The Mother
  37. The Curious
  38. The Authentic-Self

I may be completely addicted! Soul Cards are so much fun to make, and after you have spent all of this time making them, when you go back to try and “read” them to try and decide what part of you is being represented in these cards, it is quite PHENOMENAL because they are truly representation of a part of your authentic self.

Anyway, on to a different subject! I have literally on 4 more days until my sweetie and I have a TWO WEEK VACATION!! We CAN NOT WAIT!!! We are going to spend a week camping over at the coast, and then the next week we will spend a couple of days in Roseburg to visit with family, and the rest of the week we will be DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY home-homebodies!! Doesn’t that sound just DELIGHTFUL!??? I don’t remember having ever taken this much time off at one time – EVER!!!

OOOOH!! I CAN’T WAIT!! While I go off to dream of some more activities/outings I can do with my sweetie…

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

14 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Post!

  1. Carol

    Oh yes, Christina, we want to see ALL your wonderful cards. It would be like opening a gift for me and being all excited!

  2. Deborah VelΓ‘squez

    Hi Christina,
    Thanks for sharing. I was fascinated by the Soul Collage Cards. What a great exercise. Did check out link and I clicked on get you own reading. The death card came up which freaked me out but I do know it is about transformation so I had take a minute!!


    1. Christina Post author

      It is so good to hear from you, I hope you are doing well!!! Wow! I would have been a little nervous if the death card had come up for me too, but I am glad that you can look at that with a positive spin on it. I think after a few minutes I would think maybe it was the death of something, something that I would no longer do anymore, or something like that! I hope you enjoy the rest of my cards I just published on the Soul Cards page. πŸ˜‰

  3. Glenda Goodrich

    Christina, who is that cutie in your latest collage? She’s got something, for sure. Yes, I like that piece–her attitude, the color choice and the contrast in color and shapes appeals to me. And, well, what can I say about the SoulCollage(R) cards? 38 cards in one day could be an all time record! I would love to see them. Soulfully yours, GG

    1. Christina Post author

      Thank you, GG! I have modeled this little girl a little after my niece, Megan!! She is one happy go lucky girl!! πŸ˜‰ AND I happy to share that I have shared my Soul Cards on a new page within my blog! I would LOVE to have EVERYONE take a class from you to learn how to make a set of their own! I LOVE them!!Thank you again, GG!! πŸ˜‰

    1. Christina Post author

      Yes, We sure have worked hard this year to earn that vacation, so we are going to do the best we can to live it up!!! πŸ˜‰

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