We Are Officially Camping!

Good evening!

Well, we have made it to Beverly Beach, and after a couple of hours futzing around, we finally made camp! WHEW!!! I love our version of roughing it!! We have two queen size air mattresses, fully loaded with all the trimmings!! Comforters, fuzzy blankets, high thread count sheets, and goose down feather pillows. The works!!! Does that make me spoiled??? 😉

That is alright, I will take spoiled any day!! I work hard for this mini vacation!!! 😉 Anyway, Jason is totally in his element, being my outdoorsy man and all, and our two girls are shivering and not really sure what to do with themselves yet, but as soon as they saw that the tent was up, they knew EXACTLY where they wanted to be (they have camped with us enough times)! They want to be snuggled up in bed!! That’s my girls!! 😉

I just LOVE camping with Jason!! He is such a hoot! He is constantly making me laugh, and he lives to be of help, so he likes babying me, and I like letting him! He is pretty much in charge while we are camping, which is almost a complete role reversal from our normal, everyday lives. Maybe THAT is why I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! Thank you, Honey, for taking such good care of me!! 😉

We weren’t planning on it, since I did bring so much reading material from home anyway, but Jason decided that since we WERE AT THE COAST AFTER ALL, that we just had no choice but to go to our favorite little used book store in Lincoln City. It is Robert’s books, and to say it is little?? Well, not so much! It is actually HUGE, and I could literally spend all day there looking for all sorts of reading treasures!!! So when he suggested it, I had a fleeting moment of but, honey, I already have all of these books, and then stopped myself mid-thought and said, “Sure! Why not?” and so we stopped!! Thank you, Love, for knowing what mamma really needs!!! 😉

Anyway, we are out camping, but forgot a “few” things, of course, and so we have driven the 15 or so miles to the nearest Wal-Mart to pick up those “needed” supplies! I am sitting in the car, keeping the girls company, or are they keeping me company? It is hard to say! It is starting to drizzle outside, which is fine – we knew it would, so we are absolutely prepared, being true Oregonians and all!! You have to be ready for any and all chances of rain!!

Work went pretty well today! I had gotten a HUGE assignment done and off to my end user today, which made me feel good. It has also given me the freedom not to worry about the office so that I can just relax, stay in the moment, and just enjoy our trip!

My sister, Alice, and her family will be joining us tomorrow a little after 4 pm. I can’t wait!! I really miss seeing my adorable little nephews!! They know all about their crazy Aunty Chrissy and her ever-present camera. It is something that my family just pretty much humors me with, because I am almost constantly taking their pictures!!! I think they secretly like it…I’m just sayin’! 😉

Anyway, we are going to head back to the campgrounds, and take our girls for a nice walk, before crawling into bed so we can get up nice and early in the morning!! That is one of the BEST perks about camping – it is perfectly acceptable to live without the presence of clocks of any kind. Time is an illusion, one that quickly becomes a non-factor when we are on vacation together!! Oh, SWEET BLISS!!!

Until I chat with you again tomorrow…

Have a FABULOUS evening!!