Monthly Archives: June 2011

A Late Evening with Veronica Mars!

Good evening!

Today is day two of being full-on-sickie!! I know that this is rather late, but I have been watching Veronica Mars all evening! We have been frantically soaking up the first season story line, and just finished season one’s finale. PRETTY DARN GOOD!! How sad is that?? Ok, apparently, I don’t have much of a life right now!!

I don’t think I really have much to talk about this evening, although I did just get off the phone with one of my little sisters!! She is doing so well, and I am very proud of her!

I was out of work today, because I’ve been sick. I am scheduled to have the next 5 days off, for the holidays, but I am contemplating going in tomorrow just to make up a little bit of time, but I am not sure if I am going to go in yet. What would you do? Hmmm…yeah something to think about.

I wish I had something more poignant to talk about this evening, but unfortunately, I am coming up blank! I promise, I will get out into the world tomorrow and come back with something a little juicier!! LOL! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!

Being Sick Is So Inconvenient!

Good evening!

I would love to tell you that I am having a great day today, but the honesty is, I left the office early today, because someone, me, has some kind of a bug, and I am feeling kinda crummy! I have tried sleeping it off to no avail, so I am downstairs with my sweetie, trying to distract myself better! I am not sure if it is working, but it is nice to have something else to dwell on!

I have been giving this weekend a lot of thought, seeing that it is going to be a 5-day weekend, and Jason and I have agreed on doing a kind of stay-cation! We have a small list of things that we are wanting to do, and I am sure that combined with these activities we will have a GREAT anniversary/4th of July weekend!!

  • Hit the movies
  • Casino for brunch
  • Spend some time over at Borders
  • Picnic in the park with our girls
  • Do some serious swim-time in our pool
  • Maybe peruse a couple of garage sales

Salem doesn’t exactly have a plethora of entertainment opportunities, but I am sure we will manage to find some place/activity to make our weekend memorable/restful!! Not to mention, I do need to get caught up on some house chores, and make some time to clear my head and just focus on creating some art. That is the goal after all, isn’t it?

I haven’t really been making much time to be creative lately. I think subconsciously I was getting warm to what I was looking for, and really scared the heck out of myself! So, I had stopped almost cold turkey, including my morning pages! Ok, so I see what I have done, I will get back to what I know I should be doing tomorrow morning! I will keep you posted!

As I hunker down for the evening, and cherish the ice cold popscicles my sweetie just brought home for my ache-ey throat…

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ™‚


Random Update!

Good evening!

I made it back to work today, and all went well!! It did take me quite a while to get through my e-mail before I could actually get to my normal work, but all-in-all a pretty good day!!

My sweetie picked me up from work today – I have to confess I am feeling like a pretty spoiled – what a blessed girl I am!!

Now, not that I am complaining, but I have a serious sore throat, and hope that it is not something too serious! I know that I have just gotten back from a mini vacation, but I have ANOTHER mini vacation starting on Friday!!! I want to be at my best health-wise!

Friday is actually Jason and my 16th wedding anniversary! It sometimes feels like we just met yesterday! Who knew that that tall, handsome man with the extremely large hands, and piercing blue eyes would completely change my world!?? I am not sure exactly what we are going to do this weekend, but because we have a 5-day weekend by ourselves, you can be sure I want to make sure we are doing something fun! πŸ˜‰

Anyway, I apologize that this post is so short right now, but I am tired and going to head off to bed!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰

Perfect Weekend at the Beach!

Good evening!

What a FABULOUS time we had at the beach!! The weather was picture perfect, the family was so much fun, and there was so much lazing around – it was RIDICULOUSLY FUN!!! πŸ˜‰

Jason and I left Beverly Beach today to head home! It was surprising too because we just couldn’t get over how PERFECT the weather was! It was sunny all freakin’ weekend, except for the one or two hours of light rain in the wee hours of Thursday morning, which is EXACTLY what we had hoped for!!! So, after packing up, cleaning up our campsite, and giving all of our leftover firewood to a nice family who was staying longer down the way, we headed back onto the road to come home. That is when we realized it, today was the first time ALL WEEKEND, where the weather was kind of cloudy and overcast! We were leaving just in the nick of time!!! πŸ˜‰

I am sure Jason feels the same way, but I can not speak for him, but what I will say is that I really needed this weekend! To just get away from it all, have some quiet downtime, spend a few days without the concept of time, without obligations or schedules, and without all of the hub-bub that comes with my normal life!!

I had a moment this weekend, one of a few actually, where I was actually consciously aware of just how blessed we were! God has tended to all of our needs, and has even seen to gift us with happiness too!! That combined with some quality time spent with family, what more could a girl want????

As I head off to go to sleep, in my own bed…

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰