Monthly Archives: December 2010

Back Home & Taking It Easy!

My sweetie and I are back atΒ  home, from a quick weekend down to Roseburg. We went to support our little sisters with their Christmas bazaar! I am just so proud of them for all of the hard work they had done, and for all of the goodies they were able to come up with. The booth had all sorts of goodies for sale, ornaments, heating pads, i-spy pillows, gift baskets of bath goodies, advent calendars, etc. It actually was a little slower than my sis, Jennifer would have liked, but she really did do such a GREAT JOB!!! They all did! This was the first time that I can remember them stepping out of the box and do something that caused them to use their bravery muscles! I AM SOOOO PROUD OF THEM!!! I love you, girls! More than you will ever know!!!

On another note: I am longing for my farm today – I know it is out there somewhere, I just pray that we will find each other someday. I am really dreaming about growing my own fruits and vegetables. Sharing our goods with neighbors and friends, and canning our deliciousness away to be enjoyed year round or given as gifts – OH THAT WOULD BE THE LIFE!!! πŸ™‚

While I go and dream some more,

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! πŸ˜‰

Wednesday Update!

Good morning!

I have been up for a while now, and I am feeling very GO-GO-GO this morning!! I have company tonight, tomorrow, and then I am off to Roseburg to help my little sisters at their Christmas Bazarre, which should be fun!! WHEW!!

My Little sister had asked me to create a Mickey Mouse chain necklace for a friend of hers, and it has caused me to get all of my jewelry making things out, which has been adventurous!! LOL!! But try as I might, what I had was not working! SO, my sweetie and I went to the craft store last night to go pick up the materials for soldering – I thought this would work so much better, and my sweetie convinced me that I could get everything I needed from the hardware store much cheaper, so off we went. We picked up everything I thought we would need, and went home to give it a try. Let me tell you, I am NOT SURE WHAT I WAS THINKING!!! This is not working! I will have to see if I can create some kind of miracle or else tell my sis, “It ain’t gonna happen!” BUMMER!!

My co-!worker and I put up Christmas garland, our tree, lights, mini stockings and ornaments in our office yesterday It is is soooooo FESTIVE looking, I am LOVING IT!!! I am sooooo ready for the Holidays!!! BRING IT ON!!!! πŸ˜‰ HMMM…I will have to stop and think about what should be on my Santa Baby list this year!!! πŸ˜‰

Anyway, my computer seems to be wanting to be giving me problems this morning, so I am going to keep this short!!! Besides, I have got a lot of work yet to do before I head off to the office!!! YEAH!!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS morning!!