Just Chilling in Wisconsin

It is official, I am in Madison, Wisconsin!! I am here for the next 4 days for some computer training. I flew in a day early so that I could get settled, and refreshed and ready for class tomorrow morning, and honey, I am sooooo glad I did! After checking into my hotel, I read a little down while sitting in the picture perfect lobby, took a 2 hour nap back in my room to catch up on the fact that I only slept 3 hours last night, I had dinner at they little hotel restaurant they have downstairs at the hotel, came back to my room and spent some time soaking in the GIANORMOUS whirlpool bathtub, while watching a little tv. If it weren’t for the fact that my friends and family are so far away, I definitely could get used to this life! 😉

I have to say thank you to my sister, Nette!! Your gift made my flights soooo much more relaxing!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Well, I am going to have to figure out how to make myself go to bed right now – it is only 7:30-ish my time, but 9:30 here – so, I can get on the time zone here!!!

I will keep you posted how everything is going tomorrow evening!! 😉

Have a  FABULOUS evening! 😉

0 thoughts on “Just Chilling in Wisconsin

  1. Alexa Moody

    I sure hope you enjoy the hell out of that whirlpool bath. I certainly would. You are already missed.

  2. christinaville Post author

    HELL YEAH!!! Oh, you had better believe it!!! It was AWESOME to be able to sit in a hot bubble bath with the water up to my armpits and being able to stretch out in any way I wanted!!! YUM!!!! I am sure this will be a nightly ritual until I leave!!! 😉

    Now THIS is QUEENLY living!!! LOL!!!
    Love you, Sis!!! MWAH! 😉